
Heaven, Hell, Revelation, Theology, Salvation

Paradise, the Holy City and the Glory of the Throne (by Rev. Elwood Scott)

Paradise, the Holy City and the Glory of the ThroneParadise, the Holy City
and the Glory of the Throne

by Rev. Elwood Scott (Abridged Edition) (Narrator Needed)

Near the turn of the 20th century, God gave Seneca Sodi the glorious experience of spending forty days in Heaven. This book will challenge your life and give you hope and encouragement to set aside all hindrances and press on into the glory of God.

As he relates his experiences to Elwood Scott, you will feel as though you are right with him, seeing the many different scenes of the Celestial Kingdom, escorted by King David. You will wonder at the glory and immensity of what God has prepared for us.

Your heart will he stirred at the description of the Holy Convocation around the Throne as Jesus speaks an end-time message of preparation for His coming. Your mind and heart will be enlarged as you look into a world beyond the veil and knowing that it will be worth it all!

—The Publishers


"I go to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2)

The most positive words about the eternal abode of the saints are found in these words of our Saviour. He made heaven very real to us. Without Jesus, we would not know very much of what heaven really is like, He opened the door to the "land that is fairer than day" and let us have a peek into it. He was our greatest Authority because & had come from heaven and had complete understanding and knowledge of the celestial land.

In this last while many of us have suffered the loss of our dear loved ones. We have missed them deeply and often longed to see them again and share our earth-joys with them. When we realize they are no more with us here, in the physical form, it gives us much inward pain. In this last while the Lord has called many of His choice saints home to be with Him.

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July 24, 2008 Posted by | About Heaven, Revelation | , , , | 1 Comment